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New York State Affordable Multifamily Energy Efficiency Incentives

Receive up to $2,000 per unit of energy incentives when you enhance the efficiency of your 5+ unit multifamily building.


We offer incentives for installing energy-efficient equipment and technology to help you reduce overall energy use and maintenance costs, increase operating efficiencies, and improve tenant comfort. Additionally, efficient buildings release fewer carbon emissions, significantly contributing to New York State’s ambitious climate goals.

The New York State Affordable Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program (AMEEP) is a collaborative initiative by the Joint Utilities of New York, which includes energy companies such as Con Edison, Orange & Rockland, Central Hudson, National Grid, National Fuel Gas, NYSEG/RG&E, and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).  

Determine Your Program Pathway

To apply for the program, first determine if your project falls under the Comprehensive Pathway or the Non-Comprehensive Pathway.

The Comprehensive Pathway:

Ideal for intensive retrofit projects across multiple building systems, such as heating and cooling, insulation, and lighting. It uses a points-based incentive structure, requiring projects to accumulate 100 or more points to qualify. This pathway also:

  • Allows for significantly improved energy efficiency.
  • Is ideal for large multi-measure projects or whole building retrofits.
  • Offers higher incentives and a mid-project incentive payment.

Incentives are provided on a dollar-per-dwelling-unit basis with two tiers of incentives based on the project’s total points:

  • Tier 1 (100–149 Points): $1,500 per dwelling unit.
  • Tier 2 (150+ Points): $2,000 per dwelling unit.

Contractors can provide support with developing the project’s scope of work. If you would like more in-depth assistance on understanding energy efficiency upgrade opportunities and developing a full project scope, subsidized technical assistance in the form of energy audits is available via NYSERDA's FlexTech program. FlexTech covers 75% of the cost share when the audit is completed.

The Non-Comprehensive Pathway: Better suited for projects with one or a few specific measure upgrades.

  • Ideal for smaller upgrades or projects that do not meet the 100-point minimum for the Comprehensive Pathway.
  • Incentives are determined by the equipment installed and/or energy savings achieved.
  • There is no minimum points threshold per project.

Need help determining which is right for you? Fill out an interest form.

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Point Allocation

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Comprehensive Pathway Point Allocation Per Measure

40 Points

30 Points

20 Points

10 Points

5 Points

Comprehensive Pathway Point Allocation Per Measure

40 Points

Window replacement 

30 Points

Domestic hot water heater replacements 

20 Points

Central cooling

10 Points

Air sealing

5 Points

Boiler clean & tune

Comprehensive Pathway Point Allocation Per Measure

40 Points

Insulation (roof/wall) 

30 Points

20 Points


10 Points

Steam traps

5 Points

Common area lighting

Comprehensive Pathway Point Allocation Per Measure

40 Points

Boiler replacement

30 Points

20 Points

Ventilation such as energy recovery ventilators

10 Points

HVAC electric controls (BMS, thermostats) 

5 Points

In-unit direct install measures such as faucet aerators, showerheads, LEDs

Comprehensive Pathway Point Allocation Per Measure

40 Points

30 Points

20 Points

10 Points

 Motors and drives

5 Points

Appliances (stoves, refrigerators, washer/dryer, dishwashers)

Comprehensive Pathway Point Allocation Per Measure

40 Points

30 Points

20 Points

10 Points

 Energy management system (EMS)

5 Points

Orifice plates

Comprehensive Pathway Point Allocation Per Measure

40 Points

30 Points

20 Points

10 Points

 Hot water and steam pipe insulation

5 Points

Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs)

Who can participate?

Existing affordable multifamily buildings with five or more residential units in New York City and Westchester County, including those with Con Edison electric service and National Grid gas service, are eligible. Building property owners or managers must provide supporting documentation, such as regulatory agreements or mortgages from housing agencies or rent roll.

View a full list of accepted documentation

Not sure if your building is eligible? Check if your building qualifies as affordable housing.

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Get Started

Step 1

Submit an interest form.

Step 2

Choose a participating contractor.*

Step 3

Complete the application.

*NoteYou can also select contractors that are not a part of our participating contractor network.

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