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Rates & Tariffs

The rates and terms of service under which Con Edison provides electric, gas and steam service are set forth in schedules (sometimes referred to as "tariffs") filed with the New York State Public Service Commission ("NYPSC"), which regulates the state's electric, gas and steam utilities and reviews and approves their rates and terms of service. The Company's schedules on file with the NYPSC — including current, pending, and canceled or superseded tariff leaves — can be found on the NYPSC's website.

The rates and terms of service shown on the Con Edison website are provided for your convenience and do not replace or provide an authorized substitute for the official schedules (including the rates and terms of service) and the Statements of rate adjustments on file with the NYPSC. The Company does not guarantee that the Summaries available on this website reflect the rates and adjustments contained on the Statements filed with the NYPSC and in effect or that the tariff leaves, Statements, and Summaries shown on this website reflect the most recent filings made with the NYPSC.


The leaves (pages) in tariffs shown on this website may have headers and footers that differ from the official leaves on file with the NYPSC. The NYPSC marks its official leaves with receipt and actual effective date "stamps" and with information on canceled or superseded leaves that may not be shown on the Company's leaves.
