Incentives for Installing EV Charging Stations in Disadvantaged Communities
Disadvantaged communities (DAC) bear disproportionate burdens of the impacts of climate change and possess certain socioeconomic criteria or comprise high concentrations of low- and moderate-income households.
This definition was adopted by the Climate Justice Working Group (CJWG) under the direction of the Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act (CLCPA), on March 27, 2023. An updated map reflecting the CJWG’s final definition is available via New York State’s CJWG website and on this page.
Projects benefiting DAC are defined by location, setting (e.g., curbside or at a multi-unit dwelling (MUD)), by program (e.g., PowerReady, Micromobility, and Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle), and/or by plug type
PowerReady Program |
Requirement |
L2 Curbside |
L2 MUD |
PowerReady Program |
Requirement Publicly Accessible and Within DAC |
L2 Curbside X |
L2 MUD |
PowerReady Program |
Requirement MUD w/ 25% units at, or below, 80% AMI |
L2 Curbside |
L2 MUD X |
PowerReady Program |
Requirement Incentive Tier |
DCFC Up to 100% |
L2 Curbside Up to 100% |
L2 MUD Up to 100% |
Micromobility Program |
Requirement |
Non-MUD |
Micromobility Program |
Requirement Publicly Accessible |
Non-MUD X |
Micromobility Program |
Requirement MUD w/ 25% units at, or below, 80% AMI |
Non-MUD |
Micromobility Program |
Requirement Incentive Tier |
MUD Up to 50% on CSC*; Up to 100% for USC** |
Non-MUD Up to 50% on CSC; Up to 100% for USC |
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle (MHDV) Pilot Program |
Requirement |
Public |
Non-Public (Option 1) |
Non-Public (Option 2) |
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle (MHDV) Pilot Program |
Requirement Publicly Accessible |
Public X |
Non-Public (Option 1) |
Non-Public (Option 2) |
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle (MHDV) Pilot Program |
Requirement Participating in Eligible Voucher Program |
Public |
Non-Public (Option 1) |
Non-Public (Option 2) x |
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle (MHDV) Pilot Program |
Requirement Within a DAC and Participating |
Public |
Non-Public (Option 1) X |
Non-Public (Option 2) |
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle (MHDV) Pilot Program |
Requirement Incentive Tier |
Public Up to 50% on CSC; Up to 90% for USC |
Non-Public (Option 1) Up to 50% on CSC; Up to 90% for USC |
Non-Public (Option 2) Up to 90% for USC |
- DCFC Public Chargers: Located within a DAC and publicly accessible.
- L2 Public Curbside Chargers: Located on the curb, within or adjacent to a DAC and publicly accessible.
- L2 Chargers at MUDs: Parking garages and lots at apartment buildings with five or more units anywhere in Con Edison’s service territory where 25% of units are at, or below, 80% of state median income or area median income (AMI), whichever is higher. The AMI data source is the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- Publicly accessible chargers located within a DAC.
- Chargers located in, or adjacent to, an eligible multi-unit dwelling. Eligible multi-unit dwellings are apartment buildings with five or more units anywhere in the service territory where 25% of units are at, or below, 80% of state median income or area median income (AMI), whichever is higher.
Medium-and Heavy-Duty Vehicle (MHDV) Pilot Program:
- Private chargers located outside of a DAC and participating in one of four eligible voucher programs may receive incentives for up to 90% of utility-side costs. Eligible voucher programs include NYSERDA’s New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program, the New York City Department of Transportation New York City Clean Trucks Program, NYSERDA’s New York School Bus Incentive Program, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) vehicle incentives with a DAC requirement (such as the Clean Bus Program). Additional eligible Voucher Incentive Programs may be added as authorized by the New York State Public Service Commission.
- Publicly accessible chargers located within a DAC, as well as private chargers that are both located in a DAC and participating in one of the voucher programs listed above, may receive enhanced incentives for up to 50% customer-side costs and up to 90% utility-side costs. Publicly accessible chargers do not need to participate in a voucher program to be eligible.
If you’re not sure if your site is located in a DAC, please:
- Watch the video tutorial on the Hosting Capacity and System Data Map page
- Open the Hosting Capacity Web Application and select the “Electrification (Formerly EV Charging)” tab
- Select the blue “Layer List” icon
- Select the “Disadvantaged Communities” layer by checking the corresponding check box
- Type in your site address to determine if the address is located within the gray-shaded area that represents the DAC area
* Customer Side Cost (CSC)
** Utility Side Cost (USC)