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Statement from Con Edison Re: Moratorium on New Gas Connections in Westchester

The demand for natural gas in our service area has been experiencing significant growth primarily due to the construction of new buildings, the opening of new businesses, and conversions from oil to cleaner-burning natural gas in existing buildings. But all of this new demand for gas is reaching the limits of the current supplies to our service area.

As a result, and to maintain reliable service to our existing natural gas customers on the coldest days, we will no longer be accepting applications for natural gas connections from new customers in most of our Westchester County service area beginning March 15, 2019. There are some areas in the northernmost sections of the county where we have more capacity and may still be able to accept new customers. Existing customers are not affected by the moratorium.

We are developing additional programs through our Smart Solutions proposals to the NY Public Service Commission, and are working closely with NYSERDA, which offers incentive programs for clean energy solutions. Heat pumps, solar thermal and baseboard electric heating are among the alternative solutions that can meet some or all of our customers’ heating needs.

For more information, customers can call visit our website at or contact us at 1-800-643-1289.
