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Value Stack Customer Portal

Manage your accounts and subscriber allocations.

Solar panes on a rooftop overlooking the Manhattan skyline.

Value Stack Overview

Eligible customers with distributed energy resources (DERs) generate Value Stack credits as part of the Value of Distributed Energy Resources (VDER), a compensation program established by the New York Public Service Commission. Eligible DERs include Community Distributed Generation (CDG), also known as community solar, electric energy storage, and other generating resources described in our Value Stack Tariff (Rider R of the Electric Tariff).

The Value Stack Customer Platform is designed to improve coordination between Con Edison and the businesses involved in administering value stack crediting for community solar and other DER.

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This portal has been built to help the rapidly expanding clean energy market. Our goals are to support the further development of DER, provide transparency to market partners, and standardize data sharing protocols.

Some of the scenarios that the portal can be used for are:

  • Retrieving Host Statements
  • Allocation file submission and validation
  • Value Stack Account management
  • Net Crediting applications
  • General inquiries

Please continue to use PowerClerk to apply for interconnection.

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The Value Stack Customer Portal should be used by businesses who perform the following roles for Value Stack Compensated DER:

  • CDG and VDER Asset Owner
  • CDG and VDER Installers
  • Marketing / Customer Acquisition
  • Subscription Management
  • Consulting / Other Third Parties
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First Time Users

Please note a Con Edison account is required to request access to the Value Stack Customer Portal. If necessary, visit the registration page to sign up for an account.

Host Billing Account Owners/Third-Party Consultants

If you are a Host Billing Account Owner or Third-Party Consultant, you should register when you are ready to:

  • Submit your first allocation file or other documentation. This should ideally be done prior to permission to operate (PTO) in the project lifecycle.
  • Retrieve CDG and Value Stack Statements
  • Submit a new request as a case, for one of the previously mentioned scenarios, such as Account Management.
  • Check an existing case status. The statuses are as follows:
    • In Progress
    • Closed
    • Consolidated Edison is Awaiting Response (e.g., we are waiting on a customer’s response)

Host Billing Account Owners-Only

A Host Billing Account Owner should register when ready to:

  • Submit a letter of authorization for third parties
  • Submit a case, if applying for net crediting
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