Guides and Specifications for Private Generation
General Guides
- Energy Storage Guide: For installing or upgrading an Energy Storage System up to 5 MW.
- Energy Storage Best Practices: Understand New York State Standardized Interconnection requirements as a Distributed Energy Resource (DER) customer interconnecting Energy Storage Systems (ESS) to Con Edison's system.
- Fuel Cell Guide: For interconnecting fuel cell systems up to 5MW.
- Large Combined Heat and Power Guide: For either installing or upgrading natural gas-supplied private generation systems that are or will be connected to Con Edison's electric distribution system and are primarily dedicated to supporting customer load.
- Solar Photovoltaics Guide: For installing or upgrading solar photovoltaic systems up to 5 MW.
- Utility Process Guide: For customers who are planning to install DG projects outside of the Standardized Interconnection Requirement (SIR) process.
- Electric Blue Book: A Customer Guide to Electrical Service Installation
- Gas Yellow Book: A Customer Guide to Natural Gas Service Installation
Value Stack Projects
View your eligibility requirements.
Procedural Requirements for Value Stack
Procedural Requirements for Grandfathered and Phase 1 Net-Metering
Value Stack Community Distributed Generation Net Crediting Program
Community Distributed Generation Satellites receive a consolidated bill for their monthly electric charges and Community Distributed Generation subscription fees.
Please review the Value Stack Community Distributed Generation Net Crediting Manual for full details and eligibility requirements.
To enroll, please follow the instructions in Section 3 Enrollment of the Value Stack Community Distributed Generation Net Crediting Manual and submit the following documents:
- Appendix A: Enrollment Form (PDF)
- Appendix B: Host Certification (PDF)
- Appendix C: Allocation Form (XLS): applicable to all community distributed generation projects
- Appendix D: Net Crediting Agreement (PDF)
- Community Distributed Generation Host Payment Authorization (see Appendix E of the Value Stack Community Distributed Generation Net Crediting Manual)
Electrical Service to Dispersed Generation Customers: Requirements for small and independent power producers. (EO-2115)
Generator Operation and Maintenance: Requirements for the operation and maintenance of local generation equipment at your site. (EO-4133)
Con Edison Default IEEE 1547 Settings: Con Edison requirements for smart inverters and synchronous machines to comply with IEEE 1547-2018 and 1547a-2020. Installers can make use of the following files when producing an applied settings file for a project: inverter-based projects sized ≤ 50kW, inverter-based projects sized >50kW, and synchronous generator-based projects of any size.
Smart Inverter FAQ Document: Answers to commonly asked questions related to smart inverters and upcoming requirements for UL 1741 Supplement B in New York.
Network and Non-Network Customer Substation High Tension Design Requirements (EO-2022)
Customer Operation and Maintenance (EO-4035)
Interconnection to select Non Network Distribution specifically Auto Loop, 4 kV Grid, Step Down Feeder distribution systems and not primary feeders trunk/main lines also known as feeder proper cable sections. (EO-10215)
Emergency Generation Switch Load Transfer
Portion of a Customer’s Load Supplied by an Emergency Generator
Note: You can choose a switch with “break-before-make” contacts or “make-before-break” contacts (a closed transition transfer with a duration of fewer than 15 cycles).
Break-Before-Make Specifications (EO-2113)
Make-Before-Break Specifications (EO-2134)