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Bronx CustomersA water main break is affecting gas service for some in the area. Our crews are working on restoration. For more information, call 1-800-75-CONED or visit 3211 Boston Road.

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Brooklyn Fault Current Map

Synchronous generation is prohibited at the grid network (125/216 volt) level. DC Generation with inverters (Fuel Cells, Photovoltaic, Micro Gen, Microturbines) or induction generation may be installed at all locations. Notwithstanding the available margin or type of generation, each proposed location and installation must be evaluated for eligibility.


*All applications are queued when determined to be complete by Con Edison in accordance with its procedures. Each evaluation of synchronous generation will include all prior fault current contributors on the queue. Customer DG's may require fault mitigation if the resulting fault current exceeds the capacity of the DG's associated load area.


Status as of: December 31, 2019
Next Update: June 30, 2020
