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Bronx CustomersA water main break is affecting gas service for some in the area. Our crews are working on restoration. For more information, call 1-800-75-CONED or visit 3211 Boston Road.

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Selling Renewable Natural Gas to Con Edison

Learn how you can sell renewable natural gas, or electricity produced from renewable natural gas, to us.

Con Edison will purchase natural gas produced by renewable natural gas facilities interconnected to its gas distribution system at local natural gas market prices. Environmental or renewable attributes associated with Renewable Natural Gas production will be retained by the producer.

Please see Con Edison’s Sales and Transportation Operating Procedures Manual for additional details about our renewable natural gas interconnection process and terms.

In some cases, electricity produced from renewable natural gas in New York City or Westchester County may be sold to Con Edison as renewable electricity. Additional information about available compensation and electric interconnection requirements can be found in our Private Generation Tariffs.
