Market Supply Charge Calculator
Learn how to determine your Market Supply Charge rate.
What is Market Supply Charge?
Your Con Edison electric bill consists of supply and delivery charges. Your supply charges consist of the Market Supply Charge rate per kWh provided by this Market Supply Charge calculator, and other supply charges. Learn more about other supply charges.
Your Market Supply Charge rate depends on your location (or zone) and electric rate, or service classification. The calculator can provide the rate for a specific time period.
If you buy your electric supply from an energy services company, the supply charge you pay will be based on your agreement with that company. The calculator does not provide the Market Supply Charge rate for energy services companies. Learn more about Energy Services Companies.
Market Supply Charge Lookup File
Market Supply Charge rates can also be obtained using the Market Supply Charge Lookup File of historical rates for the most common billing FROM and TO dates based on the company’s meter reading schedule. If the billing period FROM and TO date for a specific customer bill is not listed, use the Market Supply Charge Calculator to determine the Market Supply Charge rate.
To obtain the Market Supply Charge rate for a specific bill, first determine the row in the Lookup File corresponding to the SC AND TYPE of customer and FROM and TO dates of the billing period. The SC AND TYPE of customer can be determined based on the rate which the customer is served, using the Rate Description Table below.
Next, find the Market Supply Charge rate, in dollars per kWh, in the column of the selected row based on the customer’s load zone (H, I, or J) and tension at which the customer takes service (Low Tension = LT, High Tension = HT). Market Supply Charge rates are provided for ALL HOURS, ON PEAK, and OFF PEAK periods. Select the appropriate rate(s) based on the billing method of the customer.
The following table provides reference codes for the downloadable Market Supply Charge Lookup File above.
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