Eight Con Edison Employees Win Awards for Research Findings
Eight Con Edison employees have won coveted industry awards for research findings that can guide energy companies across the country as they seek to better serve their customers and control costs.
The Con Edison researchers earned Technology Transfer Awards bestowed by the Electric Power Research Institute, or EPRI, which helps energy companies improve their service by working together on research and development.
Con Edison’s showing in this year’s awards continues the company’s long-standing success in earning recognition from EPRI. The company and its employees regularly win multiple annual, Technology Transfer Awards.

Six employees won recognition for research into a synthetic fluid that could be used in transformers. The fluid, which cools the transformer, has the potential to decrease the environmental impact of leaks, help companies lower their costs and improve reliability.
Transformers are in substations, mounted on utility poles and under streets and sidewalks. They step up and step down the voltage of electricity as it makes its way to customers’ homes and businesses.
The winners were David Isaacs and Amjad Merchant, who are senior engineers in Con Edison’s Central Operations group; Prakash Kothari, a department manager in Environment, Health and Safety; and Frederick Schuepfer and Brian Werner, who are senior scientists in Environment, Health and Safety.
Sergo Sagareli, who was a senior engineer in Research and Development and has left the company, also won an award for the transformer fluid research.
Robert Shuman, a senior engineer in Transmission Line Engineering, won an award for research into the vibrations of arms on transmission poles. The lines that carry high-voltage electricity long distances are on those structures. The research will help utility engineers determine ways to minimize those vibrations, which can damage the arms and poles.
The findings can improve the reliability of the transmission poles and arms, which is a benefit to customers.
Oleg Tosic, a department manager in Con Edison’s Information Technology Solutions Delivery group, worked to improve a business model energy companies use to plan investments in their information technology systems.
The model guides companies toward investments that will help improve customer service. It also takes into account the changes taking place in the industry, as companies emphasize clean energy.
Con Edison is a subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc. [NYSE: ED], one of the nation’s largest investor-owned energy companies, with approximately $16 billion in annual revenues and $63 billion in assets. The utility delivers electricity, natural gas and steam, and serves 3.6 million customers in New York City and Westchester County. For financial, operations and customer service information, visit conEd.com. For energy efficiency information, visit coned.com/energyefficiency. Also, visit us on Twitter and Facebook.