Con Edison Seeks to Advance Maine's Clean Energy Economy
Proposal Supports Development of a Low-Cost, Clean Energy Hub That Achieves Environmental Goals and Limits Community Impacts
Con Edison Transmission, Inc. is proposing the Maine Power Link project offering solutions for delivering up to 1,200 MW of renewable energy to be produced in northern Maine to the New England transmission system in southern Maine. This project was submitted to the Maine Public Utilities Commission on March 1, in accordance with the Northern Maine Renewable Energy Development Program.
“We are excited for this opportunity to support Maine’s clean energy goals,” said Stuart Nachmias, president and CEO of Con Edison Transmission. “This project’s solutions are the result of an exhaustive review of Maine’s energy grid, its objectives, and our experience as an industry leader in transmission development. We believe that this project will help the people of Maine achieve their clean energy goals, bring needed clean energy generation to market, preserve the beauty of Maine’s communities and create sustainable economic opportunity.”

Northern Maine has appealed to renewable developers for its rich, clean energy resource potential. The Maine Power Link offers a transmission solution that will make that potential a reality, decarbonizing the energy supply in Maine and New England. At its core, the Maine Power Link project offers transmission solutions that support recent legislation creating the Maine transmission solicitation.
Responds to Maine’s clean energy needs
This project will help the state meet its clean energy goals in 2030 and 2050. By adding capacity to Maine’s electric grid, the Maine Power Link project will provide the cost-effective delivery of renewable energy needed to support increased electrification and decrease dependance on fossil fuel imports. Once in service, it will facilitate cutting carbon emission by more than 50 percent and achieving carbon neutrality in the electric sector by 2045.
Creates a clean energy hub for economic development
Maine Power Link will provide the transmission infrastructure needed to unlock renewable energy in northern Maine, creating a clean energy hub that will spark investment in the region and provide well-paying jobs during construction and when in operation.
Uses innovative designs to offer value and low-cost solutions
Drawing from its in-depth understanding of the Maine transmission system, and 100 plus years of developing, constructing, maintaining, and operating transmission facilities, the Maine Power Link project solutions are the result of a comprehensive review of transmission options for the state. The solutions include options not previously considered that offer value for customers with options for expansion.
With high natural gas and oil costs impacting Maine’s customers this winter, bringing clean renewable electricity to market will provide environmental and cost benefits by reducing the price volatility of fossil fuels.
Preserves the beauty of Maine and the vitality of its communities
By maximizing the use of existing rights-of-way (ROW), Maine Power Link minimizes the visual and environmental impacts of the project. Sharing ROW also brings cost savings for existing utility customers and new infrastructure customers.
Transparency and collaboration
This project team has established relationships with and support from Maine organizations. We are committed to proactive and transparent communication with stakeholders. We will set a new standard of cooperative engagement with local communities and stakeholders throughout the siting, permitting and construction process.
Stakeholder comments
“The Maine Power Link transmission line will boost employment requiring hundreds of jobs to help construct the project. The renewable wind, solar and biomass energy projects it will facilitate will drive the demand for local businesses such as mills to produce timber products, fuel and aggregate suppliers and heavy equipment rentals to support construction activities,” says Robert Clark, Executive Director Northern Maine Development Commission. “The inclusive and transparent plan for siting the project is a welcome approach to the most difficult task in the development of energy infrastructure. By engaging with stakeholders early in the process, there is greater potential for building consensus and enabling a timely and cost-effective siting process, which translates to lower project costs and increased savings for ratepayers.”
“Maine Audubon is grateful to the team behind Maine Power Link for their proactive engagement as they work to locate their project in a manner that avoids environmental and ecological impacts to the greatest extent possible,” said Eliza Donoghue, Maine Audubon Director of Advocacy. “We are optimistic that early engagement with stakeholders, including conservation and clean energy advocates like Maine Audubon will result in both more efficient processes and better environmental outcomes. We look forward to continuing the conversation with the Maine Power Link team and additional input opportunities.”